So you’re sloshing about in hot muck swinging knives around, sounds like a germ orgy to me.
I love the theory of the Humours and the batshit insanity that is medical history, so what started as a list of medical services in Cörpathium turned into four tables of available cures from the major practitioners and the side effects of their failure, as well as a table of Infections and Diseases for them to cure. Because your 3rd Level Cleric isn’t always going to be around you know.
After any encounter where you take a flesh wound, roll under your Constitution. If you fail you have contracted an Infection, which probably won’t slow you down too much but it’ll be really icky. If you roll an ultimate-fail 20 that’s not infected, you’ve gone and caught yourself a Disease.
Once you have an Infection or Disease you can stop rolling, anything else that tries to get inside you just gets eaten up by the established bacteria.
Infections - 4d4 hours to manifest | |
d12 | |
1 | Your skin grows raw and red and sprouts enormous blood blisters that swell to the size of a small apple before popping in arcs of putrid plasma, over and over again like boiling mud baths. |
2 | Pus weeps from your throat and crusts into barnacle-like lesions on your neck, causing intense pain if you speak anything but lies. |
3 | A crater-like pox mars the flesh around the wound and creeps up your neck. The vinegary stench grows when you are under stress or heightened excitement and puffs of yellow vapour vent from the pox. Save vs. Poison or suffer the effects of Confusion. |
4 | The wound will not heal properly; rather than closing, small bunches of fleshy tendrils emerge from the cloven flesh, like the fingers of babies. |
5 | Thick black tears leak from your eyes, clouding your vision, and you find that after you have wiped them away, when your fingers are stained black with oil, your eyelids cling together every time you blink, your hands stiffen, like fingertrap lockjaw. |
6 | The skin around the wound hardens and crusts in blackening shards like a burning tree, then begins its creeping spread. +1 AC for the first week is pretty great, but then your joints begin to stiffen, walking becomes a chore, you'd rather lay down in the dirt, bury your fingers and breathe in the muck.. |
7 | Your organs grind and groan like a wounded animal. Every d8 hours you will spend d2 Turns in agony while you pass a grotesque opalescent kidney stone. After you've stopped crying you can sell it as a spell component. |
8 | The sound of dogs barking inflicts searing pain upon your bowels, you break out in fragrant pink boils in the sun, you have an overwhelming craving for all manner of crawling insects. |
9 | Every d6 hours you disgorge a surging mass of green bile that continues to bubble and churn after it has left your throat. |
10 | Gob Rot. Your gums fester and peel back, you swallow parts of your tongue as it begins to putrefy, teeth drool out of your mouth while you speak. |
11 | Swollen boils sprout from your skin, oddly puckered like an anus. If they are still present after a week, the next time you are amongst a large group of people they unfurl like glistening mucus-coated blossoms of skin, violently jettisoning flesh spores into the air. |
12 | Fibrous purple fronds curl out from your skin, interwoven and fragile, ever-growing. It would be beautiful if they weren't siphoning off your blood supply. |
Diseases - 4d8 hours to manifest, roll cure chance twice and take the lowest | |
d12 | |
1 | Sticky, caustic sweat beads from your pores. It burns those that touch you like watered-down acid and corrodes anything exposed to your skin within d4 Turns. |
2 | Tendrils of skin sprout in patches, softly swaying and bulbous at their tips. A fluid bubbles from them like snail slime trying to scare away a predator, the same consistency, the scent of compost. It is a sympathetic narcotic, every time someone takes the slime upon their tongue in order to explore the feculent gardens of their mind in search of lost inspirations, you lose yourself in the same experience. |
3 | The flesh around the wound becomes spongy, pliant, it exudes the scent of fuchsia. Synaesthesia ravages your psyche, and pulling away clumps of your deteriorating body makes the most deliriously beautiful music. |
4 | Leprous Crawl. Your flesh sloughs, a bicep one moment and a sack of atrophied muscle hanging from bone in a skin bag the next. But that's not what bothers you, it's when it comes back. Creeping up the bone, tendons attaching, muscle re-adhering, the sucking sounds within your skin. It never rebuilds the same way and your skin is starting to smell of rot. Re-roll Strength each time. |
5 | Your belly distends, swollen with bacteria and gas. During any physical exertion roll under Constitution to control the horrendous flatulence brimming for release. Week Two: The bloated skin of your belly is a roadmap of stretch marks, the next failed roll will see your stomach split and spilt. |
6 | Clothing has to be peeled away, you sweat like mucus, everyone seems to walk too fast for you. Day Two: Veins pulse beneath translucent skin, you wonder if your legs are beginning to atrophy, you know you're being neurotic but you're so tired, everyone else is so fast. Day Three: The flesh of your legs has jellied, you can see bone through blueish muck in the shape of a thigh, the translucent skin has spread up to your ribs. Day Four: Your legs collapse, lost all integrity. You might survive another day before it reaches your brain. |
7 | You wholeheartedly believe that tiny men with the faces of carrion birds pull themselves from your yellow blisters to whisper the secrets of the cosmos to you. Day Two: They teach you a random 9th Level Spell. When you cast it you don't realise that nothing happened, that you were mumbling gibberish, you believe yourself all-powerful. They promise you so much more. Day Three: Your companions must die, they know too much, the carrion told you so. |
8 | Fingers, fingers everywhere. They start as bony nubs but they emerge soon enough, calloused, without fingernails, twitching and catching on things. |
9 | Your skin is pocked with holes like the back of a pregnant frog. Fleshy nodules emerge to squirt thin streams of noxious green fluid before retreating back inside your skin. It isn't an infestation, it is your own flesh, and it is growing larger. |
10 | Resinous Influenza. It's not the bleary leaking eyes that bother you, nor the deep-bone ache or even the delirious shakes. It's the absurd amount of mucus that you expel every time you sneeze and the fact that it sets like resin almost as soon as it touches your exposed skin. Your face begins to look like a grotesque melted mask and that is not a good look for anyone. |
11 | The Worm of Entropy grows within your bowels, emerging from your body at night to raise up and taste the air. Not an invader, grown from your own flesh. Week One: Whenever you come into contact with a new person/entity make a Reaction Roll for yourself to figure out how you feel about them. Any time a group comes to consensus there is a 2 in 6 chance that you outright dissent. Week Two: Strength and Constitution decrease by d4 each. At night you have the uncomfortable sensation of being watched. Week Three: Your body suffers 2d4 minor Mutations. The worm is more bold now, and can be seen slipping from various orifices so that it can peer out at you. Week Four: Your flesh loses its integrity, collapsing into a gibbering pile of sentient filth from which the worm emerges, laughing sludge sloughing from it's many-hued flanks. It is transmution made flesh, save vs. Hysterical Weeping. |
12 | It starts with a dry itch, dustings of dead flakes falling from your skin as you scratch like chronic dandruff, turning strangely polychromatic as it settles. Week Two: It's in the flesh now, your skin has almost entirely itched away and you're scratching canals into the muscle beneath. It doesn't even look like flesh and blood anymore, just polychromatic granularity like a bathbomb. Week Three: Your hands have been ground away so you rub your itching limbs together as best you can, grinding biceps over your torso, crushing your chin against your chest. Week Four: Without anything left to scratch it with, you find that your flesh slowly regrows, but the moment your limbs build back into moveable stumps.. The polychromous decay is a powerful spell component and many of those who contract its disease end up as limbless torsos in a Maleficar's basement, unable to scream through dust-filled lungs, forever regenerating porous dusty flesh only to have it scraped away. |
And now for the fun part! Roll randomly for a cure depending on your contacts and budget. If a cure works I doubt I’d establish it as the ongoing remedy for that condition though, this is an age of experimentation.
Since a large part of these working is a placebo effect, players should get bonuses to the chance of success if they can demonstrate that they truly believe in their authenticity. If someone collected the components for their own eel blood and crab egg enema I would give them some god damn bonuses.
Continue onwards for the cures or head straight to Penny Pamphlets to download everything in a spreadsheet.
Leech/Physicker | |
d12 | |
1 | Eat the worm-infested testicles of a rabid baboon. They populate quickly and enter the bloodstream, consuming disease. Before the worms turn to feast upon healthy tissue, your veins will be opened so that they fall from you onto an open flame. 30sp 3 in 6 chance of success 4-5 Not all of the worms are removed, which makes things rather uncomfortable for you. 6 On overwhelming compulsion leads you to find the nearest Fight Den, you'd like to make something bleed. |
2 | A clyster of hot eel blood and the crushed eggs of a Horned Soldier Crab. 10sp 1 in 6 chance of success 2-4 Not all of the eggs were crushed, after a week they begin to hatch and leave your body. 5-6 As above, but not all of them leave. |
3 | An incision must be made over the affected area with a golden blade. After it has been allowed to weep the wound will be smeared with saccharine nectar squeezed from the abdomen of Larder Ants, then sutured with the final dying bite of their heads. 20sp 2 in 6 chance of success 3-4 No matter how hard you try flies keep getting into your wound. That's how you get maggots. 5-6 One of the Larder Ants must have been a developing queen, two weeks later a small hive erupt from your healing wound, tearing and devouring the new flesh. |
4 | Swallow a ward-inscribed lead ball, still glowing from the fire. 15sp 1 in 6 chance of success 2-4 The ball sears your oesophagus on the way down, say goodbye to solid food for at least a week. 5 Your tongue reflexively closes over your throat and is partly melted, permanently impeding speech. 6 When the lead ball lands in the pit of your stomach a small amount of molten gold begins to leak from your lower orifices. How very interesting. |
5 | Bloodletting of one or more limbs. Once venesected, the blood must be allowed to flow into heated iron bowls to be boiled away, banishing the disease in acrid smoke. 20sp 2 in 6 chance of success 3-5 That was a little too much blood. You lose consciousness for d8 Turns. 6 The smoke gathers in the roof of the Leech's hovel, small swirls and billowed puffs amongst the rolling mass. The Leech stares at it, face contorted as if trying to solve a puzzle, and screams. He grasps a knife from a cluttered table and dives at you, utter terror streaming from his eyes. |
6 | Sin-Eater. It is an uncleanliness of the spirit that has caused the blight to manifest. A layer of skin must be flayed from the thigh and offered to the Leech, who will sear it over a flame for consumption along with a cup of blood from the afflicted. 30sp 3 in 6 chance of success 4-5 The Leech spits and sneers at you, throwing you out into the street without further explanation. 6 The Leech suffers a random Mutation. |
7 | The purifying qualities of quicksilver will remove the taint from you. Thin, steady streams are to be poured into the eyes, windows of the soul. 10sp 1 in 6 chance of success 2-4 Tooth loss. 5 Tremors and convulsions under stress. 6 Random Insanity. |
8 | The affected area is to be covered with grubs sourced from the rotting undergrowth of the Moldenwood, until such a time as they have eaten their fill of diseased flesh and fall dead. The hardened bodies should be ground to a fine powder and insufflated to prevent the infection from returning. 30sp 3 in 6 chance of success 4-5 When the Leech tries to grind the bodies of the grubs he finds them rock hard. In frustration he takes to them with a hammer and they shatter into red crystalline shards. 6 You drift off in fever dreams of the necrotising forest for the next d6 Turns. |
9 | Upon a stone slab, lathered with the blood honey of the spore-crazed bees from deep within the Quenchless Mouth of Many, flaming torches will be passed over your body until the moisture has been sapped from the honey. Once it has cooled and crystallised from your skin the disease will be gone. 35sp 3 in 6 chance of success 4-5 For the next week you wake each night at the edge of your roof, toes overhanging and ready to fall. 6 Not all of the honey falls away from your skin. The powdered remains form a sticky fungal colony that can only be removed by the bees themselves in a frenzied harvest. |
10 | The sickness cannot be exorcised, but branding wards into the affected flesh will castrate and contain it, preventing it from spreading through the body. 15sp 2 in 6 chance of success 3-5 The wards themselves swell with disease and burst. 6 The ward-branded skin seems to thin, it tears and slides apart, coiled sinew begins to unravel from beneath it, it is not part of your flesh. |
11 | You must swallow a live Hagora Fish caught in the foetid, sluggish streams of the Moldenwood. As it digests your diseased stomach lining it will defecate the remedy into your bloodstream. 25sp 2 in 6 chance of success 3-5 Before it is digested the fish continues to devour your stomach lining once the diseased flesh is gone. -1hp for the next week. 6 The fish eats its way out of your stomach and into your body; best get a knife. |
12 | The thumb-sized yellow mould leeches from the stagnant pools of the Quenchless Mouth of Many can drain the corruption from your blood, but only if kept sufficiently warm and moist while they feed over two days. You may attempt to take them in your mouth, but it is recommended as a suppository. 60sp 4 in 6 chance of success 5 Swollen with blood, the leeches block whichever passage you chose to deposit them in. They will need to be burnt out. 6 You contract an anaemic sickness from the leeches and a gnawing craving, biting your lips for the taste of blood. You'll need to drink a pint a day to keep from going mad. |
Golden Chiurgen Anatomist | |
d12 | |
1 | The Amorphous Unguent. A large glob of luminous, gelatinous yellow matter is smeared over your flesh. It moves with a terrible semblance of sentience, morphing and dissolving, seeking your infection and altering its mass, spluttering into hybrid hues, releasing trapped bubbles of acrid gas, seeking your unconscious open mouth before being scooped back within its glass prison. They do not know what it is or where it came from, it was just there one day, on a desk, rebuilding a dissected rat. 200sp 5 in 6 chance of success 6 The Unguent immediately tries to seek your mouth and is quickly scraped up by the Anatomist, taking a layer of skin with it in their haste. |
2 | Dense pink mould, carefully bred for the purpose, will be seeded on any area of the body that shows signs of infection. Over the coming week it will aggressively colonise and consume the tainted flesh and release chemicals that prevent its resurgence, and can then be flensed from the body. 100sp 4 in 6 chance of success 5 Your immune system violently rejects the mould, expelling it from your skin in a flood of pus. 6 The process seems a failure, but the next night a second generation of the mould seeps out of your raw skin. The infection is smothered, but you'll never rid yourself of the mould. It covers you in a patchwork, decaying and spreading, rendering you immune to Infection. |
3 | An excess of phlegm is the cause of your infection and discomfort. Four golden tubes will be tapped through your chest and into your lungs before fastening a bellows-mask over your face, forcefully pushing air down your throat in order to discharge the diseased filth. 150sp 5 in 6 chance of success 6 The initial trickle of phlegm stops with a muted thump through the golden tubes. The Anatomists heave on the bellows-mask and a writhing mass of black maggots discharge into the bowl. |
4 | Trepanation of the skull should relieve the affliction. 60sp 3 in 6 chance of success 4-5 You should probably wear a helmet for a while. 6 Either they prodded something they shouldn't have or something slipped in to your exposed mind. Gain a random Insanity. |
5 | The malady persists because it dwells in the heart, pumping its filth throughout your body. Your lips will be painted with the venom of the Blue Lesionaire Spider, and when your vitals slow your heart must be removed and pierced with heated copper needles, draining it of trapped black bile. 160sp 4 in 6 chance of success 5 The venom eats away part of your lips. 6 Your body rejects the heart when it is returned to the body, haemorrhaging black blood and yellow pus. |
6 | It is an overabundance and corruption of yellow bile that causes your fever and rot. An incision must be made below the ribs to allow the tainted bile to be expressed from the gallbladder. 120sp 4 in 6 chance of success 5 Yellow bile sprays the Anatomist full in the face. He has an underling stitch you up and throw you out, there will be no refund. 6 The Anatomist discovers a tumor full of teeth and auburn hair nestled below your ribs. |
7 | The disease is to be drawn into a limb by way of glass cupping, whereupon it shall be amputated from the body. 120sp 5 in 6 chance of success 6 You constantly feel your phantom limb, and something caressing it. |
8 | In a heated room you must breathe deeply from a tubed pipe leading from a glass pot of mercury. Just as the mercury amalgamates with the pieces of gold being dropped into it, the purifying vapour will merge with the sickness in your blood in order to be sweated out. 120sp 3 in 6 chance of success 4-5 Small faces bubble up from the amalgamated mess of metal, their words are a hiss of vapour and a pain in your temples, someone seeks to carve out your heart. 6 Blood runs from your softly closing eyes, rolling over your cheeks to fall onto your hands, still holding the pipe to your mouth, sucking mercury into your lungs. -1 Constitution. |
9 | The innards must be removed from the body and bathed in aged wine to remove impurities before being returned to the cavity and sewn shut with gold thread. 180sp 5 in 6 chance of success 6 Visions of the Corpulent One plague your waking dreams, reaching out with morphing limbs, seducing you to raucous abandon and rot. |
10 | The flesh of your back must be punctured at certain points by hollow iron needles, then the hypnagogic blue petals of the Havelock flower will be placed in their fluted ends and set aflame. As the smoke carries you to slumber your blood will be drawn into the needles, mingling with the secreted oil of the flowers. 80sp 3 in 6 chance of success 4-5 You might not be healed but your dreams are extraordinary, roll under Wisdom to gain 1 Wisdom. 6 The experience is entrancing, you have a new addiction. |
11 | You have the evil eye. It offends with its infection and must be plucked from you. 65sp 3 in 6 chance of success 4-5 The anatomist apologises for their error in diagnosis by offering either a free false replacement, or an experimental transplant. 6 The eye explodes in the hatching of a clutch of white spiders. |
12 | Heated glass cups containing black-armoured wasps must be placed in a distinct pattern across your back. 60sp 3 in 6 chance of success 4 Your swollen back inflicts a -2 penalty to physical tasks for d4 days. 5 d4 of the wasps lay larvae in your back, it's impossible to distinguish from normal swelling, they'll hatch after two weeks at the worst possible time. 6 You're allergic to wasps, how didn't you know that? |
Wisewoman/Bog Witch | |
d12 | |
1 | While breathing in the fragrant smoke of burning Govora pollen, ingest a pint of pig urine to induce vomiting. Drown a nightingale in the spilled contents of your stomach within the waiting iron urn, then keep the drowned body beneath your bed for three days before throwing it into the Hollow Sea. 15sp 2 in 6 chance of success 3-4 You feel rather foolish. 5-6 The nightingale appears in your dreams, leading you beneath the earth to the gnarled, still-sprouting subterranean trunk of the first tree; mellifluous whispers slither from its cracked hollow, endearing you to take root. |
2 | A pregnant rat, teeth pulled and pups moving beneath fat-smeared fur, must be swallowed alive. When it gives birth to its young the sickness will pass onto them before they die and pass through your digestion. 25sp 3 in 6 chance of success 4-5 That business going on in your stomach has got to be uncomfortable. -2 to physical tasks for 2 days, and you're more than likely awfully cranky. 6 The rat pups pass from you not only alive and whole, but half-grown and strangely intelligent, staring at you like a mother. |
3 | The disease takes root in the lungs. Your face must be smothered with a duck-down pillow soaked in vinegar and hyena urine. When you finally struggle for breath at the point of collapse the pillow will be removed so that you may be slapped full in the face with a stillborn hound. This will be repeated as many times as necessary. 25sp 2 in 6 chance of success 3-4 Rather amorous affection results if you find yourself near a pet hyena in the next few days. 5 Oh shit you kind of like this, now you find the bog witch extremely associatively attractive. 6 The hound pup wakes up, thrown into your lap with a cry of disgust. She swears it was dead. She'll let you keep it but she wants it out of her home. |
4 | Hold six blessed sparrow eggs in your mouth and descend into the Corpusmilch Canal, do not swallow them until you touch the bottom. 10sp 1 in 6 chance of success 2-4 d4 of the eggs had foetuses in them. Sick. 5 Something snags your flesh as it rushes past under the water, looks like you've got a secondary Infection to deal with now. 6 Something creeps out from the eggs and wraps around your teeth, fine as hair, strong as rope. More spills out from your mouth and lashes to the bottom of the canal in thick cords, holding you under. Someone paid good money for this. |
5 | Your body will be smeared with the putrescent black mud of the Nameless Bog. Ingest a small amount, be cautious not to consume too much, and do not bathe until two days have passed. 15sp 1 in 6 chance of success 2-4 The death smell of the mud refuses to wash off for several days. 5-6 A week later you feel bile rise in your throat and fall to your knees, spilling the contents of your stomach. Through tear-clouded eyes you see a clutch of pale green toads hopping away from the acidic mess. |
6 | Submerge yourself in a copper bath of goat's milk while suckling at the teat of a wetnurse until the malady has passed. 40sp 3 in 6 chance of success 4-5 For the next week you dream of a pallid, Rubenesque female figure floating over you, softly fondling the ever increasing growth of breasts extending down her body, draining a flow of black milk into your waiting open mouth. 6 Something creeps into your mouth as you suckle, circling around the roof of your mouth, licking at the backs of your teeth. The wetnurse stands in a trance, drooling from her gaping mouth, eyes rolled back and white. Something surges and stretches from her deflating breast, like a pale pink octopus of a hundred slender tentacles, dragging its brain mass free with patches of tiny doll-like arms. |
7 | Swallow a river stone wrapped in maiden's hair. The hair will absorb the sickness and pass from you along with the stone. 10sp 1 in 6 chance of success 2-5 It's a lot harder to pass than the bog witch made it out to be. 6 When it passes, the hair is no longer wrapped around a stone, it circles a finger bone of amber. |
8 | The sickness must be drawn out through the skin. Cupping using the severed horns of a tribe of black goats sacrificed beneath the full moon. 30sp 3 in 6 chance of success 4-5 Rigid hairs with the musky smell of the beast grow from the bruises on your back. 6 When you next sleep alone, you wander to the woods in a trance to commune with Bakhri of the Black Pit. You awake drenched in the musty scent of carnal knowledge, with teethmarks in your shoulders and blood and dirt beneath your nails. |
9 | The afflicted area must be wrapped in dried kelp that was once soaked in the urine of an unfaithful man. The smouldering ashes of a sapling will then be laid upon it until they have burnt through and touched flesh. 15sp 1 in 6 chance of success 2-5 The ashes scald your flesh, and when you pop the blisters raising from your skin they release the stench of old urine. 6 The burning ashes leave strange marks amidst the infection. A Maleficar could decipher it as a 2nd Level Spell. |
10 | Inhale a pinch of blue moss from the silver-gilded goat's head snuff mull and seek the Divine Polycerate Goat in your dream wanderings. Supplicate before him and he may gnaw the sickness from your being. 15sp 2 in 6 chance of success 3-5 The Divine Polycerate Goat gurgles disdain and gores you before you awake in a pool of sweat and urine, purple bruises surfacing across your skin. 6 You cannot bear the thought of not seeing the Polycerate Goat again, you have a new addiction. |
11 | A candle made from the fat of a drowned man and scented with Spring's first bloom must be sat upon the afflicted area and allowed to burn down to hard streams of yellow nothing. 20sp 2 in 6 chance of success 3-5 Wax burns and shame. 6 The bloated ectoplasmic body of a man slops out from the shadows, water gurgling down his chin. |
12 | You must lie within a circle of blessed yellowed candles, with the ashy pollen of the Widow's Blossom dusted upon your face. Throughout the night your scourge will call to you from beyond the waxen circle in voices myriad and sweet. If you resist their call until morning your illness will pass. 40sp 3 in 6 chance of success 4-5 You give in to the calls and look upon the face of your disease, screaming in terror until dawn. -2 to all rolls for the rest of the day. 6 It was not only disease that called to you from beyond the circle of candles. Another presence now clings to your mind, whispering the sweet promise of possession. |
Apothecary/Chymist/Alchemist | |
d12 | |
1 | Fungal powder from the Sporous Apiary, normally fermented to produce Royal Honey, is instead combined with the amniotic fluid of a first-time mother and distilled down into a potent panacea. A single vial should quiet all qualms. 70sp 4 in 6 chance of success 5 Small purple fruiting bodies sprout from your skin for the next few days. 6 You scratch at your flaking skin, sending out spores on the wind, drawing somnambulant addicts from the Sporous Apiary that stare at you from beyond windows, motionless in the moonlight. |
2 | Drink deeply of the sweet, rusty water which seeps from the scales of the two-headed vermilion serpent preserved within this bottle. 50sp 3 in 6 chance of success 4-5 Patches of skin dry and crease in a mimicry of scales. 6 The serpent is not dead, merely sleeping. When your lips touch the bottle's edge it strikes with two mouths. |
3 | Put a powder of ground blood worms, desiccated pig brains, and crow's beak to a flame, as the shuddering blue fire fades take the bitter ashes on your tongue. 20sp 2 in 6 chance of success 3-4 As you move to place the ashes on your tongue they flare up in a final crackle of flame, leaving a permanent blue scorch thrown up from your lip. 5-6 Tainted blue smoke exhales from your lungs for several days. |
4 | Morganstern's Salv, a pungent remedy derived from feline afterbirth and Deliquescent Bluecap mushrooms, must be applied liberally to the chest and genitals for dermal absorption. 25sp 2 in 6 chance of success 3-4 Concerning numbers of cats follow you around, mewl from rooftops, appear inside your locked room. 5-6 Two days later a thick patch of Deliquescent Bluecaps sprout around your genitalia. The pain you experience trying to break them off, or even touching them, is overwhelming. They will collapse into sludge after 8 hours. |
5 | Swallow a vial of the Nacreous Milk of the Antelope. The infection will be sweated from the body, chased out by shaking feverish hallucinations. 30sp 3 in 6 chance of success 4-5 You dream each night of the Antelope and wake with tear-stained cheeks. Wounded beyond healing by those that stole its milk. Left to die. Whispering death drawing near. 6 In a dream the Antelope anoints your forehead with the cloven limbs growing from its chest. Suffer the effects of Confusion during any important events for a day. |
6 | A powder ground from the cured, brittle tusks of a Moss-Bridled Boar from the Moldenwood must be inhaled at the falling of night until four days have passed. 20sp 2 in 6 chance of success 3-4 Accidental Aphrodisiac. Find yourself in a cripplingly painful state of sexual arousal if you don't relieve the pressure every 2 hours for the next day. 5-6 Night visions of the reeking god of the Moldenwood, it knows your name. |
7 | You must eat the honey-preserved macerated flesh of the Mellified Priests of the Viridescent Ziggurat. 160sp 5 in 6 chance of success 6 You lose appetite for anything other than honey, and dream every night of the Ziggurat, of worshipping within it, of being sealed away as a future delicacy. |
8 | Insufflation of Powdered Corpse. This does not come cheap, as the body must be embalmed, desiccated, and sealed beneath the earth for five years before it is suitable to be ground into powder, and bodies are hard to procure with the Anatomists around. 100sp 4 in 6 chance of success 5-6 Either the corpse was tainted or you are unable to handle your medication, but you develop a random Insanity for d4 days. |
9 | A tincture of white willow and the iridescent wine of the Sanctorium, thrice-distilled through copper alembics. 40sp 3 in 6 chance of success 4-5 Vacant-smiled muttering fools from the Sanctorium haunt your steps until sufficiently scolded or they get bored. 6 You would rather like to visit the Sanctorium, that, that would be nice. |
10 | This sickness will only leave you if transferred to another. Crow feathers, cut to a point, are penetrated into the skin. As the feathers slowly burn down blood is drawn into the hollow of the quill, awaiting you to mark down names for transference 60sp 3 in 6 chance of success 4-5 One of your companions contracts your sickness, you can suffer together. 6 The Godless push their way in to the Apothecary's lab, swipe the feathers away and hack off your left hand. They stare at you a moment in silence, and leave without saying a word. |
11 | Eat the flesh of a white eel that has lain in the belly of a Black Swallower for a week. This abyssopelagic creature was not easy to come by, and its remedies come at no small cost. 80sp 3 in 6 chance of success 4-6 The eel was swarming with tiny translucent parasites. They don't infest you, they just spill out of your mouth intermittently over the next day or two. |
12 | This oil-polished skull belonged to the Maleficar Caern Mohrghast until it was cut from his shoulders, and the channelled patterns within grant the gift of transmutation. Regurgitate the contents of your stomach into the upturned skull and re-consume the bile when you feel the bone warm in your hands. 70sp 4 in 6 chance of success 5 A voice with no mouth laughs at you, no one else seems to hear it. 6 Random gradual Mutation. |
Sweet Jeremiah. This is great. I’m guessing that there aren’t any clerics who can just Remove Disease on you, huh? That’s okay. This is better.
Some Mystics will have that ritual, Ashen Other Symbosiates would probably be in to it, but depending on if you actually believe in their religion or not you might be safer just swallowing whatever the Leech tells you to.